Work / Public Health and Awareness / Reducing Harm caused by Opioids and Fentanyl since 2017

Fentanyl Awareness Video and Mobile Mock-up

KathodeRay Media’s Public Health and Awareness campaigns are dedicated to making an impact on communities and the lives affected by opioid use disorder.

Our team has extensive knowledge placing, negotiating, and optimizing media buys around opioid use disorder campaigns. Our creative includes branding and messaging, video production, collateral production, social media campaigns, programmatic advertising, OTT, TV, radio, and print advertisement,

The following case studies show we have worked closely with many organizations including Greene County Rural Health Network, Greene County Public Health Department, HEALing Communities Study in Columbia and Greene Counties, Greener Pathways, and Columbia-Greene Addiction Coalition.

Harm Reduction Campaign - Spring 2023

The goal of the campaign was to bring awareness to the ongoing opioid epidemic in Greene County, New York and the increase in opioid-related deaths across the county, specifically those deaths involving fentanyl.

The secondary goal of the campaign was to drive Greene County residents to a dedicated landing page with Greene County specific
statistics on opioid overdoses and deaths and those associated with fentanyl. When users landed on that page, the call-to-action is to submit a form to request free fentanyl and xylazine test strips, Narcan, and other harm reduction resources.

Services Provided:

To promote the new landing page and bring awareness to it and this epidemic, we used various media outlets including paid social media such as Facebook and Instagram, cable TV prime networks like TBS, TNT, Food Network, USA Network, CNBC, Weather Channel, and more, local billboards, and print advertisements such as palm cards that were distributed at local events, health clinics, and community gatherings.


In the 1.5 months that the campaign ran, we received over 850 users to the landing and 58 form submissions from users requesting
a harm reduction resource. The Facebook campaign resulted in 90,425 impressions, 19,297 in post engagement, 11,196 in reach, and an 8.08 frequency rate.

GCPH Billboard Harm Reduction
Greene County Harm Reduction Palm Card 2023
Harm Reduction Video for Cable and OTT

Reducing Stigma with Greene County Rural Health - 2022 and 2023

In this Anti-stigma campaign, we tell Tiana’s story in order to bring awareness that addiction is a disease and how important it is to break
the stigma against addiction.

To promote Tiana’s story, we produced a video interview and advertised that video on a dedicated landing page on the Greene County Rural Network website as well as on paid social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, and OTT (ads on streaming television).


Our 2023 campaign ran for 2 months and the results were as follows. Over 1,418 users to the dedicated landing page, 259k impressions from the Facebook/Instagram campaign, 18,484 reach, and a 14.01 frequency rate. The OTT campaign had a 97% video competition rate with 23,256 impressions and a 6.48 frequency rate. Our campaign was served on platforms such as Roku TV, Amazon, Samsung, and others.

Our 2022 campaign ran for 1.5 months and the results were as follows. Over 1,150 users to the dedicated landing page, 1,959 clicks on the Facebook/Instagram campaign, 138k impressions, 15,060 reach, 9.19 frequency rate, and a 17.54% clickthrough rate. The OTT campaign had a 94% video competition rate with 46,547 impressions, 2,841 unique households reached, and a 15.83 frequency rate. Our campaign was served on platforms such as Roku TV, Apple TV, Samsung, and others.

Tiana's story

Opioid Data Dashboard - Fall 2022

Knowledge is power. The goal of this dashboard is to provide Greene and Columbia County residents and medical professionals with up-to-date, accurate information regarding the opioid epidemic in Greene and Columbia counties. The dashboard includes overdose deaths related to opioids by year, week, and county. Other information is broken down by substance, age range, race, and gender in each county.

Click to view the Dashboard

CGAC Website Dashboard

Save a Life: Carry Naloxone Campaign 2022

In 2022, in partnership with long-time client Columbia-Greene Addiction Coalition and NIH HEAL Initiative by HEALing Communities Study New York, we created a “Save a Life: Carry Naloxone” campaign to promote the safe use of Narcan and how it can reverse opioid overdoses. Users were encouraged to text NARCANKIT to 21000 to receive Naloxone.

To promote this campaign, media buys included Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat ads, OTT, stickers, and coasters to distribute to local businesses in Greene and Columbia Counties, as well as billboard placement.


This campaign ran for one month and yielded the following results. The Facebook/ Instagram campaign resulted in 89,018 impressions, 12,224 reach, 828 link clicks, and a 7.28 frequency rate. OTT results were as follows: 95.31% video completion rate, 23,334 impressions, 3,712 unique households reached, and 6.29 frequency rate.

View additional information about how else we work with the Columbia-Greene Addiction Coalition

CGAC Naloxone Billboard
CGAC Naloxone Awareness Coasters
Save a Life: Carry Naloxone

Stop and Check For Fentanyl - 2021 - 2022

Stop Check for Fentanyl Creative Collage

In 2021, Greene County Public Health needed to quickly get the word out that it was urgent to  “Stop and Check for Fentanyl”. Lives depend on our target audience taking the next step to get the test strips. The overdosing rate from drugs laced with fentanyl in Greene County was been increasing dramatically. The reason? It’s hard to tell the difference between drugs laced with fentanyl and those that aren’t. And even if you use the test strips… unlike other testing strips, a double line means there isn’t fentanyl detected.


This campaign had two rounds. One in 2021 and the other from January – May 2022. The results in Round 2 were as follows. Over
1,500 users were driven to the dedicated landing page. The Facebook/Instagram campaign received 5,333 clicks, and 541k impressions. This campaign had several ad sets: targeting users who drove past the billboards with hyper-focused geo-targeting, remarketing to past landing page visitors, and interest targeting. The OTT campaign resulted in over 183k impressions, with a 96% video competition rate.

Click to view the full case study.

Fentanyl Awareness Video for Cable and OTT
Don't be Caught Dead with Fentanyl

HEALing Communities - 2020-2022

Narcan HEALing Ad Examples

Greene and Columbia County’s HEALing Communities Study on several campaigns from 2020 – 2022 such as “Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD)”, “Stay in Medication Treatment” campaign, and an “Anti-Stigma/MOUD campaign”. Media distribution included radio and paid social media including Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram.

Greener Pathways - 2017 - 2019

Greener Pathways Trifold BrochureTri-fold Brochure
Greener Pathways Logo

In 2017, Greene County had the third highest rate of opioid-related deaths in New York State. Greener Pathways was founded to help bring awareness and a path to recovery to those suffering from an addiction to opioids. They continue to guide families and individuals who are suffering from opioid addiction through a variety of programs.

Our community-awareness messaging focused on recognizing the signs. And if you or someone you love suffers from addiction, help is just a call (or click) away.

We designed the logo to reflect hope and new beginnings across both Greene and Columbia counties. The trifold brochure was distributed throughout Greene and Columbia Counties.

View other creative by clicking here.

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